
6.1. Academic Coordinator was invited by Odessa National Polytechnical University (ONPU) Dean Svetlana Filipova to address the Conference: «Problems of economic development of industrial enterprises» at Odessa National Polytechnical University. In his address he had the opportunity to mention the grant given by the EU for our Seminar.

6.2. Academic Coordinator was invited by Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National by the Head of Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations in April 22-23 2016 at the Conference «Welfare of nations in the conditions of global instability» to speak about his EU grant.

International conference: «Problems of economic development of industrial enterprises» at Odessa National Polytechnical University. Sergey Jakubovsky is asking questions to Alvaro Fernandes.

Speakers of the conference

Video for «VESTI Odessa» about conference

6.3. Academic Coordinator invited Director of Regional Institute for Public Administration Dr.Mykola Izha to send students to next Seminar Sept./Oct. 2016. Some of these students are already adults and have working in Public Administrations.

6.4. Presentation of Web-Site and discussion

6.5. Academic Coordinator wrote to the Head of the EU Delegation in Kiev to invite students to visit the Delegation. This request is still under study. A Programme will be proposed by the Delegation.

Alvaro Fernandes
Academic Coordinator
8, Preobrazhenskaya
Odessa, 65082, Ukraine
e-mail: ajlfernandes777@yahoo.de
EUi +38048 7230378

Addresses by the Academic Coordinator
1. Opening Session: 10 September 2015

Good morning.

Thank you for coming for the opening Session of this Seminar: Economies of the EU and EU-Ukraine relations 2015/16.

Special thanks goes to the Media for coming.

As this Seminar is cofinanced by the EU Commission ONEU is expected to make wide dissemination as possible and I count with the help of the media for dissemination.

1. First I would like to address a special thanks to Rector Zveriakov and Vice Rector Shubartovsky for their support they are giving to me to implement this Seminar here at ONEU.

I also want to thank Vice Rector Shobik of Odessa Polytechnical University and Prof Sergey Yakubovskiy Head of Department of World Economics and International Economics Relations of Odessa National University for selecting Students of their Universities to this Seminar.

2. The Seminar Economics of the European Union and EU /Ukraine relations 2015/16 starts in a very difficult time in the European Union and Ukraine s recent history.

Both EU and Ukraine are going trough very deep structural changes and very difficult times .

A. What is going on in the European Union?

The Long Greek Crises just ended recently with the financial bail out agreement

But recently started new problems with the refugees coming mainly from Syria. Another big challenge for Europe.

Yesterday in Strasbourg the President of the EU Commission Jean Claude Juncker in his annual State of the Union speech to the European Parliament said : the problem of Refugees is a problem of humanity and dignity .

EU is wealthy enough to accept the refugees and will not abandon European values.

European values will be also focus in our Seminar.

The President of the EU Commission also addressed the situation in Ukraine.

B. Ukraine.

Ukraine is going since some time trough a very deep economic and political crisis.

War is going on right now in the Donbass Region the Minsk Agreement are not respected.

The President of the European Commission promised more financial aid to Ukraine and also soon Visa free for Ukrainian citizens to the EU.

Yesterday I saw a very interesting documentary in Euronews channel about the new traffic police here in Odessa.

Mainly woman ,young generation trained with other values in the streets of Odessa.

In our Seminar we will deal with all these changes in Ukrainian society.

3. My application for support of the EU was selected in August 2015 for a 3 years grant of the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus + Jean Monet Module.

What are the 3 main aims of a Jean Monet module ?

1th the Jean Monet module aims to promotes excellence in European Union studies.

Therefore the teaching and learning methodology in our Seminar make use of modern information technology in order participants of the Seminar are connected on line.

To communicate between Professor, Assistants and students we use our One Drive platform which was created for this Seminar.

Let me give another example of use of modern information technology in our Seminar.

Yesterday we had a Skype Conference in the Seminar room with my two Assistants of Lisbon. They gave a tutorial on how to use the One drive platform.

Students told me this was their first experience to have a Skype Conference in the classroom. They asked questions to the Assistants in Lisbon.

2th aim is to foster engagement of young academics and research on European subjects. And we have in our project 2 academics assistants from Odessa universities.

3th aim of the Jean Monet Module and of the Seminar is to create poles of European knowledge.

Let s hope that my project to set up a Institute of European Union studies in Odessa goes ahead. I am working on this project already for some time and recently I visited Universities in Tbilisi and Chisinau .There is a Institute of European studies in Tbilisi since 2008 working very well and the Director Prof Nino Lapiashvili promised me all support to set up the Institute of European Studies in Odessa. I visit also in Riga the Latvia University and meet Prof Tatjana Muravska who helds the Jean Monet Chair.

European Union will support the project financially. The EU delegation in Tbilisi Mr Oliver Reisner gave me information about the EU support for the Institute of European studies in Tbilisi.

4.My last words go my local Assistants Gleb and Yuri and my students.

I am pleased that you have been selected to participate in this challenging project.

I am aware that a lot of work is involved in this Seminar and a lot is expected from you.

This project was designed for Universities and students with a driving force to achieve excellence in teaching and learning.

Let s give a example of excellence !

I wish you all assistants and students good work and success!!

Thank you very much.

Now the Session is open now for questions.

2. 18 Sep 2015: for meeting of 22nd of September 2015

Dear Assistants and students.

We are at the beginning of our Seminar and it is useful to get feedback from you about your and my expectations.

1.We will start with the news from Washington.

2.I will go trough some Literature of next Session Economic Integration.

3.You should prepare some presentation (3/5 min) of subjects of interest for the Seminar (EU or Ukraine).News you listened in the TV channels I recommend you to see.

Special for those who will not make à presentation .This count for your evaluation.

4.You will fill in the Seminar room the Questionnaire. I will evaluate.

5.I will give more information about the Seminar and go trough Literature of past Sessions.

Best regards,

Prof.Dr. Alvaro Fernandes

3. 27th September 2015: Address at ONPU

Address to the Conference “Problems of economic development of industrial enterprises”

Good morning.

First I would like to thank Rector Prof. Oborsky and Chair of Scientific Council Prof Filipova for inviting me to address the Conference.

I would like to greet the Participants of this Conference coming from abroad Germany, Spain, and Poland and of course Ukrainian participants.

I also come from abroad Lisbon and I am visiting Jean Monet Professor at Odessa National Economic University.

I went through the program of your Conference. Problems of economic development of industrial enterprises.

It covers very interesting and challenging subjects like management, capital markets, competition and innovation in business.

Capital markets going through very instable times and Innovation as you know is a priority of the EU Programme Horizon 2020.

But allow me a personal comment regarding management and suggestion to your agenda.

It is linked to recent events with Volkswagen.

After my analysis what happened last week with Volkswagen I want to suggest you to include Ethic in business as a subject of your Programme.

My conclusion of the Volkswagen scandal is that uncontrolled ambitions and pressure of competition in the top management can lead to such catastrophes.

Volkswagen will not collapse but will have to support huge losses and damages of credibility, money and reputation in the years to come.

Who could expect that such a scam could come from the top management of the German automobile industry?

I am not only suggesting to include Ethnics in Business in your Programme but also to include as a compulsory discipline in the curricula of business courses in your universities.In my opinion it should happen in next academic year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Filipova Svetlana for her cooperation with Odessa National Economic University.

Past August my Application in the frame work of Erasmus +Jean Monet Module received a 3 years grant from the European Commission.

Since beginning of September academics and students of 3 Odessa Universities Odessa National Economic University, Odessa National Polytechnic University and Odessa National Economic University are working together in the Seminar "Economics of the European Union and EU -Ukraine relations.2015/2016."

I wish you good work and pleasant stay in this nice black sea resort now with great summer temperatures.

Thank you.