Information about the Seminar.

1. Five Key points.
Address of Rector in the Opening Session
  • To promote excellence in European Union Economic Studies (1)
  • To increase the skills and employability of future graduates (2, 3)
  • To create the basis for a future pole of European knowledge (4, 5)

1. Participants of the Seminar «European Union Economics and the future of EU-Ukraine relations 2015» are students of 3 Universities in Odessa .(ONEU),(ONU),(ONPU).

2. The Teaching methodology. was developed tailor-made to Ukraine students to promote excellence in research, learning and teaching for young academics in EU studies.

For the Program of the Seminar relevant topics on EU studies and EU–Ukraine relations were selected to increase employability of future graduates.

3. Part 1. of the Seminar (Sessions 1 to 10) deals with the process of European integration and the creation of the European single market. EU common policies and European monetary policy are other major subjects of Part 1. Part 2. of the Seminar (Sessions 11 to 17) is dedicated to the EU-Ukraine relations. Especially the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, Eastern Partnership and Ukraine geopolitics will be dealt with.

The vast Bibliography. contains power-points presentations, videos with sound, books all on line in the One-Drive-Platform (OER) ( for the research of students for their presentations and will be updated every academic year (2015-2018) because the EU and specially Ukraine are going through big structural changes in economic and political level.

4. Through One-Drive platform. of the Seminar we contribute to dissemination of research in European Union studies (OER) specially needed at academic national level.

5. The Seminar contributes to the basis for future poles of European knowledge. .

Rectors (ONEU, ONU) and Vice Rector (ONPU) of these Universities are aware of the necessity of this course.

The medium term objective of this Seminar is the creation of a Department/Institute of European Union studies for post graduate students.

The Seminar constitutes the basis for future poles of European knowledge.

2. Teaching Methodology.

The teaching and learning methodology of this Seminar «Economics of the European Union and EU-Ukraine relations 2015» was developed to get the best outcome and results for the Ukrainian students. The ultimate aim is to increase competences of the students to attain the following five main objectives.

2.1. Learn how to use the One-Drive platform. to communicate online with the professor and the colleagues.

A paper on how to use the One-Drive platform is available in the platform.

Before the Seminar begins one Assistant is available to meet the students to explain how to work with the One-Drive platform and how to upload their presentations.

This platform helps all participants (Professor, staff members and students) to communicate among themselves.

2.2. Improve presentation skills of students.

It is scientifically proved that students learn best by doing and not by listening to professors in the classroom. Therefore in this Seminar students are the main players (actors) and I expect active participation of the students from the very beginning. Students make presentations and so they improve their presentation skills which will contribute to one of my objectives for the Seminar. This is very important in their professional life because writing good papers is important but presenting the arguments in a convincing way is even more important.

So, how can students learn to improve their presentation skills?

Four PowerPoint presentations are uploaded in the One Drive platform and students have a tutorial given by one Assistant on this subject before the beginning of the Seminar.

2.3. Use efficiently multimedia in their presentations.

The ONEU University makes all technological tools available in order the students can take advantage of the available tools and technology. It means that students can make use of multimedia in their presentations. In the bibliography we provide a selection of PowerPoint presentations, videos (with sound) and animation for the students to better capture the attention and act more efficiently with the participants.

With images, text and sound, participants will memorize the presentation much better than with just words.

Time limits are given for their presentations for them to learn how to manage the time of their presentations.

2.4. Gain competences on EU economic subjects.

The contents of the students’ presentations are relevant for their academic and professional lives.

The first part of the Seminar (Sessions 2 to 10) deals with the process of European Integration and the creation of the Single European Market.

The definition and implementation of the European Union Common Policies and European Monetary Policy are the other major subjects of the first part.

The second part of the Seminar is especially dedicated to EU-Ukrainian relationships. Moreover, Eastern Partnership and Ukrainian geopolitics will be dealt with in detail (Sessions 11 to 18).

2.5. Improve discussion skills.

After every presentation students ask questions and discuss the subjects with their colleagues and the Professor. Students will be encouraged to develop collective reasoning and examine the problems from multiple perspectives. Also to be able to synthesize and reconcile conflicting views and values.

The students must convince the participants with their arguments and the professor, immediately after each presentation gives comments to the students about their presentations and advise to improve their presentation skills.

3. Gives greater visibility of EU study at a national and level.

At the national level the European Union Information Centre (EUi) of ONEU will send to all (19) EUis in Ukraine the direct link to the Seminar One-Drive platform. The EU-Ukraine area of study only recently gained importance due the Ukraine crisis and geopolitical importance of the Ukraine. Nearly every day European and international mass media report on the Ukraine conflict and crisis. Both parts EU and the Ukraine only recently (2014) showed real interest in deeper political relations.

The second part of the Seminar deals with EU-Ukraine relations and the geopolitical importance of Ukraine.

A vast bibliography was selected and is online in the One Drive Platform and will be send to the EU Delegation in Kiev. The Seminar can be an incentive to other Universities also to introduce courses on EU-Ukraine relations.

In the recent elections the two main political parties account for 60% of the electorate and they are proEuropeans but majority of the population and students know very little about the EU.

So there is an urgent and acute need of information and study on the European Union in the country and in the Ukraine universities. The Seminar is a very humble contribution to the satisfaction of those needs.

Much has to be done and it will take long time until European values will be assimilated and internalized by the Ukraine society.