According p. 12 art. and 4 p. 3 art. 5 about Law status “On legal status of foreigners and persons without sitizenship and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 28.03.2012 № 251 “About the procedure of registration, preparing and issuancof a certificate of temporary residens” foreigners and persons without sitizenship who arrived in Ukraine who arrived in Ukraine for study, will get temporary sertificate of residence.
In the absence of any of the above mantioned documents, passport in Migration Service of Ukraine in Odessa region is not given, which entails a violation of the terms of submission of documents and the imposition of a penalty from ten to twenty non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens of Ukraine.
After the expiry of the certificate, there are no grounds for its extension, the foreigner and are obliged within seven days to withdraw from the registration of residence and travel outside Ukraine.
A foreigner and persons without sitizenship who have received the certificate, should, within ten days register the place of residence.
Student shall not later than 20 days before the expiry of the license apply to the Department of International Relations passport and for an extension of the full set of necessary documents.